S.T.R.I.V.E. Program
Enhanced Family Stabilization Services are designed to complement case management services by providing intensive in-home family engagement through supportive and therapeutic services, in order to successfully prevent removal and/or reunite children with their families. Through intensive, in-home services, BAYS will oversee the transition of children who have entered the Child Welfare System in Circuit 7 and who are dually involved, or at risk of becoming involved, in the Juvenile Delinquency System. Services are designed to partner with the family and implement preventive measures to strengthen and stabilize the family.
Admission Criteria
(include but not limited to)
- Children who have been identified by the Community Partnership for Children as being in need of intensive in-home family stabilization services in order to successfully prevent removal, reunify and or support permanency with the family.
- Children who are involved, or are at risk of becoming involved, in the Juvenile Justice and/or Child Welfare systems.
- Children who engage in disruptive behaviors and/or who are experiencing emotional challenges.
- Children who reside in the Volusia, Putnam and Flagler counties.
- At least one adult member of the household must be willing to cooperate with program services.
Services Provided
(based on individual need)
- Enhanced Family Stabilization Services are to be provided to children to prevent removal of and/or reunite children from out-of-home placements to permanent parental home or relative/non-relative placements safely, effectively, and therapeutically.
- The Family Support Partner will make face-to-face contact with each family at the frequency determined necessary during the initial staffing with the referral source, no less than twice per week.
- Implement evidence-based prevention services and measures designed to stabilize and support children and families for safe case closure.
- An Individual Service Plan will be developed with the family.
- Parenting Support and/or Coaching.
- Safety Planning.
- Direct and Supportive Teaching.
- Supervised Visitation in preparation for reunification.
- Behavior and Mood Management.
- Community Support and Advocacy.
- Extended Family Support.
- Crisis Management.
- Employability Skills.
- Attend Court as needed
Duration of Program
BAYS will serve each family for approximately ninety (90) to one hundred twenty (120) days, in order to provide pre-reunification intervention, effective and therapeutic services and supports, and crisis intervention/stabilization that will enable families to effectively care for children placed in their homes with the goal of strengthening and maintaining permanency.
Additional days of intensive services can be provided to the family after the child is returned home in order to ensure all needed supports are in place and the child can remain safely in the home.
Transition from Program
The STRIVE team will conduct a closure staffing and transition plan at the conclusion of services to review any goals or link to services that need to be completed by the Family Partner; to determine if there are any further concerns regarding the family; and to discuss the prognosis and level of engagement that has been received through the work with the family. Any recommendations for future service needs for the family are addressed at this time.
The STRIVE team will review and document the status of each service the family was recommended to complete. Each service or task will be clearly identified with the family’s compliance status, names of referrals provided, links to services, as well as the Provider’s efforts to assist with compliance.
Program Contact
Christine Pringle
Senior Operations Director of Behavioral Health Programs